Friday, March 21, 2008

Community Driven Programs

I had to call in sick yesterday because I had the flu/severe cold + food poisoning. I was really looking forward to getting some extra money from the extra hours I worked this week, but even without working yesterday I got a few extra hours, so it's okay. Next week I work Sunday, which I'm really not looking forward to, we don't come in until 7, so it's okay.

I went to Starbucks after work for a Venti Chai Latte and ended up spending $15. In the few minutes it took me to order the drink, the kind folks at DARE set up a little booth outside Target (where Starbbucks is located). I don't want to be one of those people who walk by a charity carrying a $5 cup of coffee and not donate anything, so I ended up buying a shirt that I'm never going to wear. But I feel better about buying the drink.

I got a ride home from some random lady who waved me over from across 23. Apparently I look just like her son, take the same route, and have the same jacket. At first I thought it was Steph's aunt because they drive the same van, but once I was all the way across the street I realized I had no idea who it was. Then she was like "Do you want a ride anyway?" I accepted. Now everyone is like "You took a ride from a stranger!?" It's really weird.

That's all I had to say today. Nothing terribly interesting.


  1. omg, GBLF is down. What will I do for the next twelve hours?!

    Also, that would be an interesting plot point to introduce two characters in a sitcom.

  2. Anonymous22/3/08 00:58

    well i watch a lot of horror movies! thats why i was like wtf?

  3. I think I've only denied a ride twice in all my times been offered. I not only accept them in small towns like Houghton and Marine City, but basically anywhere. I can't even count the number of times and I've NEVER been injured by any means. I support the ride decision, sometimes you are just tired of walking.... it happens.

  4. I always thought that I was more of a threat to the random person that gave me a ride than they were to me. Be careful picking up crazy people.

  5. Oh, and the responsible mom thing to say would be...

    Rich and Julie, you shouldn't take rides from strangers.

    Whew, glad that's over.
