Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Think I'll Start Blogging Again

I just needed some time off from everything. Here's a list of things that have happened since I last posted:

Switched to Google Chrome, good browser.
Paid off my Meijer Card, but still have 2 more cards.
Spammed YouTube on Twitter, with no results.
Went to the Detroit Zoo, wasn't impressed.
Searched for a shotgun mic and wide angle lens, i'm broke.
Made good food, ate most of it.
Started watching Film Riot, good show.
Made a budget, no intention of sticking to it.

That's about it.


  1. I enjoyed the Detroit Zoo. <3

  2. Did you know that you can get free museum tickets at the library?

    Maybe we could have another field trip.

  3. Sweet. I like doing things for free.
