Monday, September 25, 2006

Four Fun Filled Days

I haven't updated my blog in a while and apparently that makes people think I'm in a bad mood. Or maybe it's the things I've said in previous posts. Either way I thought I'd share a little bit of my life with everyone. Here it goes:

Friday: I woke up and surfed the web for a few hours. I wanted to hang out with Stephanie before she went back home so I called her, but there was no answer. I surfed the web some more and contacted some people through myspace about the possibility of being in a few upcoming films. Stephanie called back while shopping for a dress and agreed to have Jason and I hang out with her. I surfed the web some more and read about a suicide of a guy I one (kind of) knew and it hit a little too close to home. A few hours of my mom being a twat later Steph came to pick me up and we went to buy some stuff. It took a while. At the party we tried to play a few games and I ate half a burnt pizza. I had a beer and a fruity Smirnoff thing that according to Jason I downed in less than 5 minutes. It tasted like Faygo Grape Soda,damn girly drinks. Jason and I came home early and watched a few episodes of Third Rock.

Saturday: I woke up tired and slightly nauseous. I looked around my house, but couldn't find anyone so I called my dad at work. I surfed the web for a few hours and when my uncle, who was staying with us, came home I helped him carry stuff to his truck for my mom. Then I worked on my Daria fanfilm and went to bed (in an actual bed that my uncle gave me - I hate beds).

Sunday: Even though it was yesterday, I don't know what I did. But Jason came over and we went to get some dessert at Bigboy and the waitress thought it was weird that all I had was a cookie, but that's all I really wanted because I had already had ice cream and I just ate 2 hot dogs. When we came home watched this crappy movie called "Thank You For Smoking." We got bored halfway through and watched some more Third Rock.

Monday: That's today. I talked to Amanda for a little bit. Um, my aunt is here so I hung out with her. I've been listening to music and surfing the web all day. Later I plan to write a short that can be easily filmed when Jason comes over tomorrow (tentatively), play Liberty City Stories (terrific game), and surf the web.

There you have it. An entire four days of my life. I've also been doing Sudoku puzzles here and there, as well as reading a few books. I'm addicted to GTA and the Internet. Oh, and Ubuntu of course. I hope you all enjoyed this post. Later.

Oh, in other news, Jason (semi)publicly declared his undying love for me. It was sweet, but it made me feel funny. But not in a bad way.


  1. Anonymous25/9/06 21:21

    I had tons of fun! Im glad you guys did too!!!!!

  2. Anonymous26/9/06 03:16

    Aww...I miss you guys. And James and I figured it out! We are just friends. Which is perfectly alright with me. I'll have to catch you online soon to tell you all about it. Love
