Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Aspiration for Normality

I try so hard to be happy. That's all I want is to be a happy, normal (in the sense that I don't hate myself) person and do normal people things. But I can't because I believe I can't. Sometimes when I wake up I have to convince myself that I deserve to be here before I can get out of bed. Then all day I try to be happy. I try to enjoy things that other people enjoy, but by midnight I'm so burned out that I feel worse than I did when I woke up. And I don't know why.

I don't know why I feel this way today. No one did anything to me. Nothing bad happened. I had a pretty good day. But I still feel horrible. I applied at CVS again (getting a job - something all my normal friends have done) because it was raining and I could do it over the Internet. I even drove today (another one of the normal things I want to do) and had a good experience. I tried writing and got some pretty good ideas written down, and am thinking of filming something when Steph and Jason come home. All in all I had a great day.

Can trying so hard to be happy really be counterproductive? I do feel like more of a failure when I can't even succeed at smiling once in a while. I don't know what's wrong with me and if there's even any reason to feel this way. I don't even know if I feel this way of if it's some kind of delusion or something I use as an excuse not to do those normal things. I really don't know anything anymore.


  1. Things that make other people happy don't have to make you happy and things that make other people sad don't have to make you sad. I don't know many people that like TS and/or funerals, but I do, those are some of the things I like. Be yourself and you'll be happiest.

  2. Anonymous31/3/07 02:06

    I agree with Julie. But I wanted to say I cant wait till I get to go home I miss you. BTW I just put like 5 comments on your blogs. Very weird for me for some reason, I dont know what to say most of the time. But I <3 you and I am going to bed now Goodnight.
