Monday, April 16, 2007

One Year

It's been one year since I started blogging. I don't remember why I started or where I wanted to go with it, but there's one thing I know. It's really helped me be honest with people, and really myself. It helps me open up, express myself, and really understand what I'm feeling. It's been a really great experience for me.

It took a lot for me to start this. I debated for almost a week whether I really wanted to start this blog. I even went to Jason, maybe hoping he would tell me it's a bad idea. I took another 3 days trying to find the perfect name, probably hoping I'd get bored and give up. But I eventually mad my first post. It was, of course, about childish name calling - a recurring theme.

I have a hard time being completely honest with people, sometimes even Jason. It's really crippling because it keeps me from doing normal things like hanging out with my friends. I know I've been blaming on depression, but I really think it's the cause of my depression. I really want to start vlogging on youtube and hang out with my friends more, but I have a hard enough being honest here, in my words and occasional photograph. But I'm going to try really hard because if I can do it here, I'm sure I can do it in person.


  1. Sort of. The digital filter has a certain kind of magic that distorts reality. None of my alter egos and various doppelgangers act like our "real life" counterpart, for instance.

    But I welcome the honesty. Blogging is therapeutic in a way - exactly like journaling in public. Plus, it's so much fun to laugh at yourself for being so emo two years ago (I know I do).

  2. FUCK YA!!!! You rock =) fo sho!! Don't let yourself get off the roll your on (you might get run over)
