Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Ideas

Blog Template

This is the blog template I came up with. Nothing terribly original, but I think I can fit all the important stuff on a shorter page. The template includes:

My Flickr badge included in the page header, freeing up some space and adding a feel of sleekness.

CSS powered drop down menus, eliminating the need for a links/friends/archive column and streamlining the navigation area of the page (unfortunately, this will only work on Firefox and Internet Explorer 7...IE6 is trash).

A narrow, more pleasing central data column, properly separated from the background.

A restylized LibraryThing bar.

A concise single post design with navigation arrows.

My widget in the footer, allowing the viewer the option of viewing it after reading the post.

Space for a single extra widget in the footer (alternatively I could make my widget horizontal).

Input would be nice here.


  1. I'm stealing your code. I wanna know how to do the effect you have with the album art.

  2. It's the standard quilt widget, only I removed the bits of code that refer to the annoying bars at the top and bottom. Do you log into your account anymore? They have a app that will scrobble songs when you sync your iPod.

    And when I get around to writing the code feel free to steal long as you don't mind it containing a lot of tables because I don't know how div containers work. :)

  3. I learned how to use divs using Dreamweaver. As far as I understand it, it's just a box that you can put places, and when you have more than one box it becomes really hard to make them do what you really want.

    Ever tried to center a div? It's an unpleasant learning experience.

  4. Fuck that. I'll stick with the tables.

  5. I know nothing about code or div or scrobbling, but I like how your post looks esp. having pictures.

  6. I also know nothing about code or div or scrobbling, but I like how in your comment you wrote "Fuck that."

  7. I have the urge to write "fuck that " in every comment, but I can usually restrain myself.

    And I don't actually know much about code and div myself. But I suggest everyone take up scrobbling as a hobby.

  8. One day, all of human music shall be available online! Viva la liberté!

  9. I'm a little afraid after reading the Urban Dictionary definition #4 "To scrobble is the action of shaving ones testicles with a rusty blade."

    Because 1. I don't have testicles
    and 2. OUCH!

  10. LOL. Somebody in my Spanish class bought that book recently. Some of those expressions are pretty ridiculous.

  11. 1) It makes me so happy to see the amount of comments on a post all of a sudden increase!

    2) Speaking of Urban Dictionary mom, what does your name mean?

  12. 1. A gentle way of saying vagina, created and used especially by Mormon, or religious parents to describe the female genitalia. Accompanies the word peter a word often used for male genitalia.

    2. a condom (word originating from the United Kingdom)

    3. Term used to discuss cocaine, like "mary jane" was for pot.

    and Julie means...

    When someone hooks up in a school or town owned building in public. In most cases, a school.

  13. OMFG, can you say creepy? lol

  14. You guys are awesome. :)

  15. ha ha ha, I love that everytime I see it!
