Saturday, November 10, 2007


I know I deleted everyone from my friends list. I'll put you all back, I swear. Just hold tight while I play around with my template, okay?

I have a dilema here. I could either add a bunch of pretty Flash apps and have my blog run more slowly than normal, or add HTML apps which aren't as pretty, but tremendously faster. Any thoughts?


  1. Most people are not going to be operating on a slower PC or an internet service less than 1.5mbps, so I think the flash apps should be okay.

  2. Are you sure? 3 Flash apps would choke my Dell. I have more freedom in resizing the HTML widgets to be matching sizes, but the Flash ones are, well, flashy. I'll sleep on it. Until then look at my Flickr widget.

  3. Actually, that looks nice, too.

  4. I love how it's going!!! Keep up the good work =)

  5. Thanks. :)

    Right now I'm trying to get my app to fit into 220 pixels, which is surprisingly difficult.

    Then I'd like to create a sleek (but small) background image and see what it looks like.

  6. I'm coming home this weekend... maybe I'll see you (YAY!!!!!!!!)

  7. Do you mean next weekend or do you mean, like, today? Either way I'm excited to see you. :)

  8. next weekend... like the 17th. I'm excited to see you too! I have SO many stories to tell you =)

  9. Ooh, looking... Well, better. And less Spartan. Although I think Tux should still be on your page somewhere. And add a bit of color, maybe?

    btw, most people now operate with higher than a 1GHz processor, which means that as long as the flash applications are small, you should be fine. Just don't do transparencies or Java (because those are sooo 90s anyway).

  10. I'll bring Tux back and add some color. It's just taking a while because I only get a few hours of computer time a day and I have a lot to do.

  11. It's looking better everytime I visit

  12. You must be missing all the horrible mistakes between the occasional good idea.

  13. Also, I'm going to try and incorporate a burnt orange color somewhere.

  14. I really like that color, but not a lot of people up here do. Whenever we have shirts made, I'm the only one about the burnt orange
