Wednesday, January 09, 2008

This Post Has No Official Title, So This Will Have to Do

It's been a while since I've blogged because I try to avoid blogging while I'm depressed. I was kind of hoping to get over my depression by now because it's inconvenient to everyone in my life. I apologize to everyone it effects. I'm a pain sometimes, I know.

I moved to that apartment in Chesterfield I blogged about a while ago. It's a pretty nice apartment, but our neighbors are kind of shady. The all seem like really nice people, but they all huddle together and smoke pot on the landing a few feet in front of our door. In broad daylight. That only bothers me when I have to make my way through the cloud of smoke wafting out of the next door neighbor's apartment.

I was scheduled for a job interview at Kmart, but I ran into a huge problem there. Scheduling the interview as a mandatory part of their online application and apparently the automated service doesn't actually notify the store or anything. So when I got there the store manager didn't know what I was talking about and I was kind of embarrassed. I was kind of counting on that job too, but I'm over it now.

And my battery is dying so that's all you get for now. Goodnight everyone.


  1. You'd think someone in an international corporation would think of these things. But no, they don't.

  2. How frustrating. Luckily there are many businesses located near your new location.
    Treat your job hunt as you would an actual job.

    Set a start time for yourself, perhaps 8 or 9 am. Plan to "work" a full day until 5 pm.

    Start the day with "cold call" applications. Living near the four corners area, pick a corner to stop in to places and fill out applications. On the SW corner there are a lot of manufacturing places near the railroad.

    Apply everywhere, even if you're not qualified or not interested. The more applications you fill out, the better you will get at it.

    Spend the afternoon at home. Online you can check the job banks and fill out online applications. This time can also be used to research the companies you will be applying to the next day.

    It may help to set a goal number of applications to fill out each day; I'd suggest a number between 5 and 10 each for the morning and afternoon searches.

    Eventually you will need to schedule interviews into your daily activities. Plan your cold calls near the interview site. Follow up all interviews with a thank you letter.

    Good luck! Let us know how it is going.

  3. Anonymous13/1/08 14:28

    Sorry your sad some times. And that I make you go to the movies when you dont really want to go.:( Kmart sucks. I hate it. But you will find a job. I know it.
