Saturday, July 13, 2013

Morons, Assholes, and the Terminally Irresponsible

It's totally cool that you call in 15 minutes before your shift to get a tattoo. It's not like they really need you to be there or anything, considering the amount of work that you somehow manage not to do during your three hour shift. The other cashier will just get stuck covering your shift anyway, so who cares, right? There's no way she has anything to do or any place to be. It totally doesn't put strain at all on anyone else and you're completely not the reason that someone would be so frustrated with their job that they would get worked up over something stupid at quarter to midnight.

It's also totally cool to be a white trash, racist cunt on Facebook. To your credit, you're the same white trash, racist cunt in real life. While you do have the right to say whatever you want on Facebook and I have (and exercise) the option to hide your ramblings from my wall, it's still incredibly inappropriate to be a dick about something when you have no clue what you're talking about. Until you can make an informed opinion about the topics of abortion, civil rights, gun control, politics, or race you don't need to run your mouth about them in a public meeting space. If you want to be a massive cunt about everyone and everything start a blog. That's what I did and it has worked pretty well for me.

I am so frustrated with the state of humanity. I feel like I'm surrounded by nothing but morons and I'm drowning in their stupidity. I am by no means the smartest person who ever lived, but I honestly wonder how some of these people manage to find their front door in the morning or the power button on their computer in the evening. I get so easily frustrated with people and they never seem to understand why. It kills me and I don't know how else to deal with it, which was the original intent of this blog. So I guess I'll start writing in it more and see if I can calm down some.


  1. ♪ Call me irresponsible ♫

  2. Well, I hope the blog works... considering it sounds like the other option is going postal on most of the people who enter the store AND most of your coworkers!

    If you stop writing again, I'll look for you on the news.
