Wednesday, August 16, 2006

From Highland to Lawndale to This?

Today I was scolded for not being an asshole. My parents dragged me to my uncle's house and they were making fun of Mexicans. I didn't join in because I thought it was a stupid conversation that shouldn't have been taking place to begin with. My mom must have been embarrassed because she defended my silence by saying "Oh, he's just at that tender age where he's not prejudice." That really pissed me off because first, she's in no position to tell anyone a godamn thing about me, and second I don't go around hating people because it's the cool thing to do.

I take that back. I hate Christians. They're all the same. They preach about love and then participate in every form of discrimination there is. They're mean, vindictive, back stabbing, and horribly boring. They try to convert people to their ways all the time, even against their will. They have all these bizarre rules they all claim to live by even though most Christians ignore them anyway.

For a few days I've been wanting to write a parody of one of the best television shows ever: Daria. But I didn't really know what I wanted to write about and I don't have access to any school facilities, so then I had an even better idea. While I was looking at some fanfiction I though how great it'd be to make a fanfilm instead. So I decided that would be my next big project.

The show is going to take place after the official series ends and after Daria graduates from college. Daria and Jane are going to room in a small house (because that's what I have access to) in yet another crappy town when Quinn (gasp!) gets kicked out of her house and is forced to bunk with them. It'll be a lot more exciting than it sounds. I'm going to try to involve as many of the characters as I can, but it is a completely new town, so they might not all be there.

Other than that I've been feeling really lousy the last few days. I was better yesterday, but today I'm starting to feel...resentment. I keep remembering all these fights my parents had. Most of the fights were about me and how they don't want to do this or that. I've also remembered many occasions where either one of them would attempt to buy my love with their cheap crap. I just get the feeling that I was never really wanted and it's starting to get to me.


  1. Anonymous16/8/06 20:57

    Sorry you're feeling bad again, today. :( But, good for you for not not engaging in your mom's smack talk about others! You're that much better than her for it.

    I like your fanfic idea. Can't wait to read it!

  2. Anonymous17/8/06 03:32

    I wanna be in this mfan flick thing...and your mom is now offically evil in my book...Thank you for not making fun of people. It's not nice or's all the same really. And I miss you and you should not rmemer horrible things like that. You should think of all the people who love you for you and all that jazz. And know that we loove you and whatever you 'rents were like no longer matters. You made a new family!

  3. Anonymous18/8/06 11:37

    Feel better Rich. I know what you mean. At least they still care enough to try and win you over a bit though, think of it that way. It's at least of form of acting like they're trying. My dad doesn't even call me anymore. Much less buy me cheap crap, but that's a whole nother story. All I'm sayin', is that the cheap half ass trying that they did is better than nothing at all. I try to laugh about the cheap half ass trying my parents did when they got divorced. My mother bought me a brand new bike, then my dad... well, nevermind. *huggles j00* Be happy, Rich. Try not to think of the depressing things.
