Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A Lousy End to a Great Week

I haven't blogged in a while because I've been feeling good (beccause my mom was out of state), but those days are over. My mom's friend is stalking me online again. It's really annoying because she'll send me a message on myspace, making it an emergency, telling me to log onto Yahoo Messenger, and then she'll ask me all sorts of intrusive questions, including (but not limited to): why don't i have a girlfriend/car/job, don't I like money, don't I like girls, and why don't I date her daughter, who is 17. I don't know if it's just me, but I get really irritated when she does it at 11 PM and I can't sleep thereafter. I'll log off and she'll leave comments on my myspace asking why I don't want to talk to her.

If I had a way to communicate with all my friends I'd just delete my myspace and ignore my Yahoo Messenger, not that I use it much anyway. I know she looks at my myspace, so I can't post sappy love poems about Jason and really any information about myself. I feel like my privacy is being violently invaded, even though I'm posting in an inherently public place. Which brings me to my question: Where exactly do we draw the line between normal online interaction, and stalking?

When Steph started talking to me she asked me some (moderately less) intrusive questions about about the person I was currently dating to force me to admit I'm gay. That was fine, even though I don't think we'd had many actual conversations before that. This woman is doing the same thing now, but it's greatly unwanted. If she wasn't my mom's friend I would just block her, but I don't want it to get back to my mom because she complains that I'm unfriendly as it is, and she'll probably agree that I should date the 17 year old daughter (because I'm apparently not gay, sorry Jason).

It's just a big mess and I'm starting to realize the effect of having an Internet presence, both good and bad. It's not that I really value privacy that much. I've never really had it before and I don't expect to much in the future. You can ask me any question about myself (give it a shot) and I'll answer it. But I can't seem to get around the fact that there are certain things in my life that my mom's friends and family wouldn't approve of, not that I give a good God damn what they think, but I know my mom does. And even then, my mom disapproves of every single activity I have ever participated in, namely: filmmaking, writing, and producing Rich Magazine.

That's my little dilemma for the week. Other than that, I've been learning some CSS, thinking of a million ideas for youtube and Rich Magazine, thnking of ideas for that film I want to make, and doing some handy work (I'll post about that when it's all done). Oh, and I'm finally in the process of installing Linux on the 166 to make a nice little server. While my mom was gone I cleaned the house (especially the computer room, which was a complete disaster) really well, but there was something missing....Jason.

1 comment :

  1. just block her! Its called 'MY' space for a reason!
