Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Adventures of Superhoe

I had a terrific day today. When I woke up I was all alone, just the way I like it. I got on my computer and started writing. I got a fair amount of stuff done. I also tried to upload some stuff to eggdisk, but I was having some problems I need to work out. Then played SimCity for a little bit while I was waiting for some stuff to download. I'd say it was one of the greatest days I've had in a long time. Then my mom came home.

Normally I would just get out of her way and go into my room, but she insisted on dragging me to Burger King. Right in the middle of having a moderately good dinner, she started pushing me to go visit my aunt in tiny, uninteresting town in Oklahoma. I don't want to go because I'd be bored, away from my computer the entire time (so I wouldn't be able to write or anything), and expected to engage in activities that I have no interest in. So I asked her why she didn't go.

Her exact words: "Because your dad would be on porn sites (it's okay up to this point) and you'd run off with someone with a dick that's seven feet long." Am I wrong to take offense to that comment? Obviously because now she's pissed off that I'm not all fucking happy. But why should I be happy when all she ever does is insult me and make me feel like I don't have the right to be here.

Now she just walked in my room and told me that she didn't do anything and that "I need to get out of my funk." So now it's wrong for me to be hurt by the mean, hurtful things people say. It'd be fine if a friend would have said that. If Mike would have said that I wouldn't really have cared. Sure, I would have been mad at first, but I would have gotten over it. It's just that I feel alone because I don't really have anyone I can talk to or rely on.

I know that I have Jason, but he can't do anything to help me. Every time he makes me feel good about myself Debby comes in and ruins it. I shouldn't have to rely on Jason to baby me every time he sees me anyway. It's not his responsibility. I should be able to feel good on my own. Everyone else does, so why can't I?

Oh, and I'm writing a new short called Superhoe. Guess what it's going to be about! (Jason, you may be tempted to say something right now, but don't)

1 comment :

  1. Anonymous3/10/06 02:07

    I miss you. Especially right now. I just found out one of my friends thinks I am self-center (which I kind of am...but I don't watch news or keep current with other happens so...), high matience, and something I am over confident about my looks or something. I am not. I actually don't think I am that good looking. Just have a few features that I like about myself. I don't think it's wrong. So I am totally just made this about me. But I wish we could make each other feel better. And I wish your mom would rot in hell or something. Then maybe you really could feel better about yourself with out wanting someone having to make you happy. I love you.
