Friday, March 13, 2009

On Eating Healthy

Since I moved back into my mom's house I've been eating healthier. I stopped eating fast food and started buying more fruits, vegetables, and chicken. I stopped eating pizza rolls on my lunch break, in favor of fruit and yogurt. Ever since then I've felt like shit. I'm tired all the time and I keep getting sick. Who would have figured?


  1. Well, part of that is your body familiarizing itself with your new way of eating. It's not used to the lack of grease. Any change in diet will bring with it a certain period of adjustment.

    As for the tiredness, don't forget you worked a crapload of hours, this week. ;)

  2. I only worked 24 hours this week.

  3. Oh, you said you close pretty much every night, this week. I thought you had more.

  4. I'm with Jason on it taking your body some time to adjust to a change in diet.

    Whatever you do, never, Never, NEVER try quitting coffee cold turkey. The detox from caffeine will give you an unbelievable headache. You have to wean yourself off that stuff.
