Monday, September 24, 2007

Today We Dine in Space

Just a little something I did a while ago when I was bored and felt like doing something constructive. Feel free to sign and return a copy to me. Or not. I'm just bored again.

Also: Anyone happen to have a spare cassette adapter?

Monday, September 17, 2007

"Why is your dad in the hospital?"

Complete renal (kidney) failure.

Funny story: It all started when my dad had his second heart attack a few months ago. He survived it and was put on 8 (eight) separate medications. Since then he's been unable to hold down a lot of foods. We kind of knew it was the medication, so we tried to accommodate the situation by cooking bland, spiceless foods. That worked for a while until Thursday night when my dad was so sick he had to be rushed to the hospital.

He wasn't doing all that bad when he went in, but that soon changed. After waiting in the ER for three (3) hours he was finally looked at and diagnosed with renal failure. What's worse was that his blood pressure was dangerously low. He was then put into ICU and transfered to St. John's in Detroit where he was put in ICCU (the second C is for cardiac).

There they discovered that he had a partial aneurysm in his heart. The artery didn't burst, but ballooned out a little, so it didn't kill him. But there was nothing they could do about his heart until they did something about the renal failure, and things didn't look good. So they took him off his eight medications and within 2 hours his kidneys were functioning properly again and he was awake and eating a turkey sandwich.

I visited him the next day and he complained about his lunch being late. He was obviously doing a lot better because I watched him eat (and keep down) the entire lunch and dinner that was brought to him. He was no longer tired, weak, or sickly. They even let him come home today (Sunday). Now all we have to do is keep his blood pressure as low as we can (which is abnormally low in most cases) so that nothing more happens to his heart.

I read that many medications can cause renal failure, which was the cause of the high blood pressure, which was the cause of the aneurism, which almost killed him (along with blood poisoning from the kidney failure). The moral of the story: someone at St. John's River District Hospital in East China, Michigan really fucked up. Anyone fancy a lawsuit?

Saturday, September 08, 2007

I Call This One 'Bleh'

I really hate it when it's too hot to sleep and I have to get up in the morning. On the positive side it gives me some time to finish up Final Fantasy XII (after 100+ hours) and listen to 10+ hours of TWiT podcasts that Jason downloaded for me. But on the negative side I'm going to have to wash my sheets again. I've had some time to think about how to fit exercise and relaxation into my day. But I'll be too tired in the morning to actually do it. I get to brush my teeth one extra time per night. But that's only because I have really raunchy breath at night. Bleh.

I hate desktop publishing. My printer is aging and refuses to accurately take the paper, leading to misaligned pages and fraudulent paper jams. It's also hard to tell what something will look like when it's actually printed. I think I prefer digital images that will forever remain on a monitor (unless someone else feels the need to print it, in which case it's their problem). I want to make another poster, but have no inspiration. Bleh.

I like foods with extreme flavors. Swiss cheese, onions, and beer mustard frequently accompany my hamburger patties. On the rare occasion that we have a lemon or two in the house I'll eat them like most people would eat an orange. I like my coffee strong, black, and lukewarm. Whole mild peppers are delicious. I also can't get enough ice cream despite my intolerance to lactose. The foods I won't eat (people call me picky): mushrooms and cooked carrots. Bleh.

I'm addicted to video games. My fire sorceress is level 85, my gang controls 100% of the greater Los Santos area, and my city's streets are bustling. I'm also addicted to music. 121 hours and 8.5 Gigs sit on my local drive. Few genres are unaccounted for in my library (of music, that is). I'm addicted to music based games too. Completing Amplitude on Brutal Mode was no sweat and I do enjoy flailing my arms as I play Dance Dance Revolution in the middle of my bedroom floor. I can't dance. Bleh.

Storytelling is one of my favorite activities. It helps me entertain people, which is another passion of mine. Too bad I'm shy. That's why I like writing. But filmmaking is kind of a drag with the formatting and the filming and whatnot. I've thought of being a stand up comedian, but then there are the jokes and the standing up. I'd rather be an old-fashioned, storytelling bard. With a computer. And the Internet. Bleh.

People don't understand me. It's my fault, really. First for being so weird in a way that no one else can claim to be, and second for not making my words and actions crystal clear. Everyone takes everything literally, yet I post vague references and quotes without explaining myself. If I was more like everyone else people would get me. But then I'd be more like everyone else and I wouldn't get myself. Bleh.