Wednesday, August 13, 2014

10. The Elements

A recent (and relatively minor) back injury has given me time to read The Elements: A Visual Explanation of Every Known Atom in the Universe. This book is beautiful.

Each entry of the periodic table has a full page image of the element in its purest form, followed by a full page of interesting details and tidbits about it. Of the far right edge of each spread is a panel with technical details for each element. Atomic Mass, density, crystal structure, electron configuration, boiling and melting points, even a progressive chart of the electron oribitals. Details which no one really needs to know, but they are definitely interesting to follow from one element to another.

The book is well written and the author did a very good job presenting information in language that even my mother would understand while still introducing new subject matter to those who already have a good understanding of chemistry and the elements, which is not an easy task. Aside from being a fantastic introduction to the periodic table and a gorgeous coffee table book, I think that that this book would be a good read for anyone and give a little perspective on the origins and workings of commonplace objects that are frequently overlooked.

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