Monday, July 17, 2006

Yet Another New Project

Since I'm already in front of my computer talking to people, I figured I'd post something. First of all, see the below post. Second, I'm not going to talk about anything negative today. Third, I added a link to my Deviantart Gallery.

I'm thinking of making a podcast. I don't really know what I want the content to be about, but I'm putting some serious thought into it.I'm thinking either technology (i.e. computers), filmmaking (how not to make all the mistakes I do), current events (which I know nothing about), or just general (like the Rich Show). At the moment I'm kind of leaning toward technology because it's something I'm really interested in. That is why I originally started this blog, and labeled it slackgeek.

I guess I just want to give a new medium (to me) a chance. I've published a magazine, written more than my share of poetry and short stories, written a short comic book, produced a hour long show, and made a movie. I guess I just like to push my boundaries and contaminate a new venue. But I don't know. Everything I ever worked on had no more than a cult following (even my blog *wink*). I may be a bit selfish, but I want something more than that now.

Yes, I listened to quite a few podcasts today. I love Leo Laporte! And Kevin and Alex of course. I could do without that Heather girl, but she's funny. Patrick Norton's pretty cool too and Steve Gibson always has really good advice. I hope that someday I can be that popular and influential. But right now I'm just looking for something to do.

If anyone has any thoughts, feel free to comment. Don't be shy. Come on, now.

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