Monday, September 24, 2007

Today We Dine in Space

Just a little something I did a while ago when I was bored and felt like doing something constructive. Feel free to sign and return a copy to me. Or not. I'm just bored again.

Also: Anyone happen to have a spare cassette adapter?


  1. ha ha ha... I love it!!

  2. I wonder if the UN would recognize it and expel you from the planet?

  3. if they did, do you think they'd pay to expel us?

  4. Anonymous26/9/07 16:57

    Maybe that Mars class that I made you take will come in handy after all.


  6. Hahaha Rich, I got your mom to say nice things about you!

    I hope you could hear her.

  7. Yeah, she's been like that on and off since my dad's been in the hospital so much. She's also always really nice to people she just met. Ask Jason.

  8. Too nice, if you ask me. Remember Edie McClurg (the secretary in Ferris Bueller) and some of the movies/TV shows she's been in? Yeah, she's that kind of nice.

    Me: Hey.
    Debbie: Oh, hellllooo, Kiddo. (Singsong) How are you?
    Me: I'm good. And you?
    Debbie: I'm goooooooooooooooood.

  9. lmao... did you get it put together?

  10. No! How the Hell do you put the futon together? I tried it many times, but when I apply the weight of a kitten (or a 6'1" man -Jason) to it, one of the screws breaks in half and I have to buy a new one. But, that's okay, because it's only 19 cents.

    Oh, and thank you. :) The bed is really nice, although I just found out I'm afraid of heights and am worried I'm going to fall to my death during the middle of the night.

    Also, the futon mattress is REALLY, REALLY comfortable, and nice, and suede-ish (maybe). Oh, I guess it's not really suede. It's made out of the same stuff my dad's chair is. It's the same colour, too.

  11. I've never put it together, so I have no idea. Heidi has put it together before,you could call her either on her cellphone or here at the house.

  12. Um, random tangent, but did Michigan's government really collapse?

  13. Hasn't happened yet, but is looking likely.

  14. I'm glad you got a good mattress... you would not have liked the alternative. I used the old one all summer and my housemates felt it, they hated it so much they threw it away.

  15. I used to have a futon with a shitty matress too. I was actually surprised that they make such nice matresses. Howver, I do believe there is a piece missing! Only Heidi knows, and she refuses to return my calls! So I'll be heading down to the hardware store later this afternoon for a 77" steel rod. Wish me luck.

  16. I forgot to pick up a rod before the hardware store opened, so I won't be using the futon tonight, but on the plus side, it adds a touch of sophistication to my otherwise dull room. It also doubles as an exsercise machine when it's time to make my bed.

  17. Anonymous2/10/07 22:31

    Pictures! We need pictures!

  18. Anonymous3/10/07 10:08

    Ahem, exactly what type of bedroom video is it?

  19. It's about Rich and I discussing the fine nuances of quantum physics.

  20. I prefer discussions on Thermodynamics

  21. Count me out. I don't know the first thing about thermodynamics.

  22. There is three laws of thermodynamics:
    the first law
    the second law
    and the zeroth law (not well known)

  23. Are the outdated laws of conservation of energy and conservation of mass thermodynamic constructs?

  24. ya kind of

    First Law: In any process, the total energy of the universe remains constant.

    Second Law: The entropy of an isolated system not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium.

    Zeroth Law: If two thermodynamic systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

  25. I like how all of your recent posts have either less than ten comments or more than 25, nothing in the teens because that's clearly not exceptable

  26. I always liked Heisenberg's uncertainty principle better.

  27. I like how I didn't notice I was signed onto Heidi's account when I wrote that last comment

  28. Anonymous7/10/07 17:45

    I wondered why Heidi was commenting.

  29. ya, am not sure of her awareness of this blog's existance to be quite honest

  30. Anonymous9/12/07 23:49

    Lucky for me, then she doesn't need to know I shared the beer in the cleavage picture. Shhh...don't tell her.
