Friday, July 18, 2008

To Do List

I will eat healthier.

I will spend wisely.

I will exercise more.

I will be more organized.

I will start writing and stop procrastinating.

I will finish the things I start.

I will repay my debts.

I will stop hiding who I am for the benefit of others.

I will spend less time on Youtube and more time outside.

I will start acting my age.

I will stop moping so much.

I will stop being so self conscious.

I will start doing more with my life.

I will start trusting people.

I will cut caffeine out of my diet.

I will start living in the real world.

I will sleep better hours.

I will start being myself.


  1. Now: Print this large and post it on the front of your door. Don't go to sleep until you've ticked off at least five things from that list every single day.

  2. Out of all the junk I own, I somehow don't have a printer. Also, I'm super lazy most of the time. It was a great idea, though.

  3. No, don't lose the motivation now! It is a good idea, and it'll be even better to follow through.

  4. I have printer, would you like me to bring you a copy?

  5. Yes. I'll make you breakfast. I hope you like biscuits and gravy.


  6. If you send me your address (sorry if you have already and I lost it) I'll send you some organic soup.
