Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Can't Break What's Broken

Isn't it great when you live with a person who barges in on you while you're about to take a shower and then actually makes you feel guilty for locking the door? I think it is. Especially after spending 3 hours working your ass off because the said person refuses to clean their own godamn kitchen. It's too hot here to walk to the kitchen, but there I was running the vacuum cleaner, because the broom just wasn't good enough. The whole while someone was bitching and whining about nothing at all.

I also have some serious doubts about the movie I'm making. No, it's a short. I have to start calling it a short. Argh. We've already planned a screening and I'm nervous because there are 30 people on the invite list. I know only half (if that) of them will show, but I'm still worried people will get their hopes up. I don't want anyone to be disappointed and lose faith in me. I don't even know why they have faith to begin with.

I've also been having trouble finding out how to clean up the audio. As we know, my mic sucks. And I'm trying to make it visually interesting, but all I have are jump cuts. What was I thinking? Also, I need to get some establishing shots. That won't take long, but I really need to do it. I still have to figure out the best way to burn it, and I only have 1 DVD, so I'll have to get it right the first time. It's gotten to the point where I'm physically sick just thinking about the finished product. And the screening is still more than a month away.

I'm also not sure how to do the commentary, but that has to come after the screening because if the actors all watch it to do the commentary then it won't be new to them at the screening and they won't come. Marie already can't make it because she's in school in Arizona and all. I have to throw a bunch of outtakes together too, but that won't take long at all. My junk bin already has a ton of stuff in it.

But today hasn't been all bad. I did think of a quick little video project I can do tomorrow, so if I don't post anything by midnight you can all yell at me.


  1. Anonymous2/8/06 22:40

    Darlin'....We would never lose faith in you. You are not a professional. This was your first project. And completing it is a big step! And I can do the commentary. Just send me clips it won't ruin it for me. But if you don't want to do it that way it's cool too. And remember you are on your way to becoming a professional. No one's first project is their best, and you can only get better.

  2. Anonymous4/8/06 18:54

    Your nervousness makes me want to watch it. I shall procure it from you, somehow.

    Also, that horribly sick feeling in your gut? Stagefright. It doesn't really go away, but you can use it to fuel your work.

    How to make crappy recordings sound better? Make the image as grainy and ugly as possible. But that doesn't help you, does it?

    Oh, well. May the force be with you. Or something.

  3. Anonymous5/8/06 00:52

    You want people to post comments in your blog, so... I LOVE YOU! XOXO


  4. AWW!!!! Jason you are adorable =)
