Thursday, August 31, 2006 Ate My Baby!

NERD WARNING: This post is somewhat nerdy, but I tried to spare you from the technical details. Read at your own risk!

I've been playing around with Ubuntu today and I realized that I like AmaroK so much more than any of the Winamp style players. AmaroK is kind of like iTunes, only a Hell of a lot cooler. It interfaces seamlessly with Wikipedia to get artist information and it pulls down lyrics from some place or another. It also works with, but I'll get to that later. AmaroK has some other really nice features too, but I don't want to bore you too much.

I don't know if anyone else uses, but it seems like a really cool idea. It's a social site that tracks the music you listen to and can match you up with other people and that kind of thing. I'm confused on a lot of the details though, because the FAQ is really vague. If someone could explain it to me in some detail, that would be great. Of course, I could always just figure it out by playing around with it more. If anyone wants to add me, here's my profile. I'll add a link to my sidebar too if I get around to it.

I was going to stargaze this summer. Jason was going to join me one day, but neither of us ever got around to it. Actually, I completely forgot about it until I installed KDE today. Immediately afterwards I installed KStars so I could download some starmaps to my PDA like I did before. That reminded me that I need to find a good ActiveSync alternative so I don't have to constantly reboot into Windows. And then I need to get my Geforce card working better. Sigh, that'll just have to wait until another day.

In other news, I get to spend some quality time with Jason tomorrow. I'm excited. He just started school today and he's bummed out about it. I hope he had a good day because he really hates driving all that way. I'm sure something good must have happened today though.


  1. Anonymous1/9/06 14:44

    Just wanted to say Hi! Since it has been forever since we talked. Ok like 2 days but we never have anything to say. Well I get the internet wednesday cuz I am leaving to go to Pams tomorrow. Oh and I went to a frat party.... Ill tell you about it later. Love ya!

  2. Anonymous2/9/06 06:33

    Hi! Went out with James tonight...we actually had to cancel ice skating cause neither of us were feeling good...but we were fine after some sleep. So I ended up at his place, and we had a good time. ;)
