Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Another New Pal

This little crab spider bit me last night and it itches so much I could cut my arm off. We have that crappy first aid itch spray and all, but nothing works for spider and insect bites.

But he runs sideways like a crab, so that totally makes up for it. I don't see them that often (only twice since we moved in here), but when I do I instantly become interested in them. I don't like spiders or anything, but these ones are just really cool. Not only do they run sideways, but when they get intimidated they stand on their hindmost legs and wave their front legs in the air. Unfortunately I couldn't get a photo of this because he wouldn't hold still long enough.


  1. What a cool little spider! Nice picture. Sorry you were bit.

  2. That is awesome!! (not you getting bit obviously)

  3. Ooh, you think you can put microchips in their brain-like areas and form a giant army of arachnids? Then you can control them using BASH.

    (Puts a whole new meaning to Command Line)

    *Apologies to the non-Geek community.

  4. Jacen, your *nix jokes always make me laugh.

    And hi mysterious new person.

  5. I bet charlotte is also mom

  6. Dear Spider,

    You will never be a model if you don't learn to stay still for your photo shoot. Biting the photographer is probably not a good idea either.

  7. I think the spider's name is Lawrence and Lawrence does not like being referred to as 'spider'

  8. Actually, the spider's name is Francesco.

  9. Francesco, you naughty spider, don't bite people or Santa will leave coal in your stocking.
