Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Holiday Depression has Begun

Jason's graduation is coming up on the 15th of December. My luck being the way it is, my cousin is getting married at the same time on the same day. I couldn't care less about my cousin. I don't like her and she doesn't like me. But still I have to go "because we're family." This cousin didn't even show up at my graduation party when I needed someone else my age to go, seeing as none of m friends showed up. She's never been there for me, but I'm expected to be there for her despite my previous engagement..

A high school grad party may seem pretty insignificant in comparison with a wedding, but you have to consider the fact that it's not inconceivable that I'll never even have a wedding. Sure, Jason and I want to get married, but with the way this country is going right now, I don't know if we'll ever be able to. And even if we can one day get married, the people who are supposed to care about me and be there (my family) aren't the kind of people who would show up to a gay wedding. So why should I pretend to care now when I'm just going to lose in the long run?

Going to Jason's graduation is so more important to me than a meaningless ceremony. I'm going to miss the only chance to see Jason graduate with his Bachelor's in Communications to watch my cousin get married for the first time. The way this family is, I'm sure it's not going to be the last time. I'm letting Jason down to be lectured about how nice weddings are and how I should get married [to a woman] one day. That's so depressing that still being here for Thanksgiving is starting to look like a minor issue.

I'm missing out on my fucking life to be there for my family who I know would turn around and stab me in the back at the drop of a hat.


  1. I'll go to the wedding dressed as you. I think if I don't say anything I can pull it off.

  2. It's okay, Rich. I'm sad that you won't be able to make it, but I know you wanted to come and that's all that counts.

  3. Rich wants to know if you're going to wear 30 inch heels?

  4. I'll go as Rich's/Julie's date, so they think that Rich is seeing some old hag with a shit load of kids.

    Maybe they'll realize that there are worse possibilities that a gay marriage.

    Ah hell, strike that thought, some people will never get it.

  5. Um, Rich, what exactly do they have on you that you can't turn around on them? Guilt trips work on parents as well as children, you know.

  6. I know! I could tell my mom I'm getting married to Steph in Tennessee, give her really bad directions and then tell her she missed the wedding. That would get her off my back about being with Jason, give me a chance to move out of the house, and give me a reason to be mad at her. And as long as I never talk to her again the illusion of normalcy will remain intact.

    And guilt trips don't work on someone who continually insists that she's perfect.

  7. I'd like to be invited when you and Jason get married. Julie'll be my date (Yeah, I really like being her date).

  8. I wanna perform the ceremony. Do you guys mind if hoodoo is involved?

  9. My half of the guest list for our wedding is as follows:

    Stephanie and her family

    Connie and her family

    Amanda and her family (including Sean)


  10. I'm bringing Jamie Bell as my date.

  11. You can tell your mom I am dying and you need to go see me before I die Then we can just go to Jasons Graduation<3
