Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Source?

I think I've figured out where the source pf my writer's block is coming from. I always to tend to write only about things I'm passionate about. I also tend not to write a lot of screenplays that I can't produce with my current resources. Those two concepts aren't necessarily related, but in this case they seem to be mutually exclusive.

There's one thing in my life that I'm passionate about more than anything else. That something is Jason. He's the last thing I think about when I go to bed and the first thing I think of when I wake up. I never knew I could miss someone so much until Jason went to New York. I really didn't realize how deep my feelings were because right now I'd give anything just to spend one night in his arms. I miss the way he smells and the grin he gets on his face when I whisper sweet nothings into his ear. I miss the way he makes me feel when he looks into my eyes and tells me how much he loves me. But most of all, I miss being able to hold him after he's had a rough day.

Jason is literally on my mind all day and it's hard to be passionate about anything else when I miss him so. So I should just write about my feelings for Jason, right? It can't be that hard since I just did it. But I can't. This blog is my only venue for this particular subject. It's hard to write and display a love poem on my myspace without telling people who it's about or giving away any revealing details. I want to be able to say "I love the way your goatee is reflected in the moonlight" and "I love the way you hold me in your big strong arms," but that would arouse some suspicion.

I can't really make a screenplay about the love Jason and I share either, because I'm still terrified of anyone finding about that I'm gay. I don't know why and it keeps me from doing something as simple as hanging out with my friends, let alone making a film with them. I'd really like to make a screenplay with Jason and I as main characters, but I don't have the resources to film it right now. All of my friends who I'm out to and would feel comfortable making this film live out of state (or way the Hell upstate).

You have no idea how frustrating it is to not be able to convey something as big as the way I feel about Jason. I want to tell people that I'm madly in love with the most wonderful man who ever lived, but I can't. I wish I could just be myself and openly love who I want, but I can't and it's not fair. I don't know why I still complain about it, because there's nothing anyone can do. Maybe in fifty or sixty years I'll be able to live a normal life like everyone else. When did this turn into a 'poor me' post?

Back to the problem! I need to learn how to channel my passion about Jason into writing about some other subject. The only problem is that I don't know how. Any ideas?


  1. I'd hate to see you waste your muse. I had a fantastic muse all last year in the form of an unrequited love and since getting into an actual relationship with someone else, my muse has gone. If I hadn't written when I was in the throes of angst I would have missed out on so much. It's the most valuable resource a writer can have.

    I feel so sad that you're unable to be who you truly are. And I think it's actually the only reason you keep having writers block. I know when I'm feeling thwarted or somehow repressed in my life, my writing dries up and becomes mundane and basic.

    Good writing comes from a need to express something burning, whatever that may be, and for you, it's your love for Jason.

    I wonder, are there any underground gay publications around? I know that when I was inlove with a woman when I was a teenager I wrote some very intense and erotic poetry and it got published in a gay magazine...

    Just a thought.

  2. P.S.

    If you ever feel like a chat my MSN is:

    I know you're having a hard time and I'd like to be here for you if you ever need to have a debrief!

  3. Thanks for the advice Jade. I'll look into getting an account at or somewhere like that as a place I can just write what I want.

    You also got me thinking, but in a good way. I'm going to try to find the source of my fear. I don't know how long it'll take and if it'll ever happen but I'm going to try. :)
