Saturday, March 10, 2007

What is Home?

When I returned from a long walk today, I got to thinking. This place I'm currently living really doesn't feel like I've always imagined 'home' would. This may be a pipe dream, but I always thought home would be somewhere you'd want to go after a long day of putting up with people's shit. Somewhere you can be yourself and let your imagination run free. Somewhere you let your guard down and relax. Somewhere you feel safe and comfortable.

Instead, when I walk in the door I get a feeling of fear and something I can't entirely identify. I immediately worry about if I'm going to get insulted for being gay, not having a job, or both. I lock myself in my room to try and find some comfort, but am greeted with the realization that I'm out of place. I probably belong here as much as I do at Sarah or Mike's apartment.

I'm not whining or looking for pity. I want to know what home is really like. What does home mean to you? Tell me if my views on what home should be are close or if this is as good as it gets. Leave a comment of IM me.

AIM: filmmakerrich


  1. I'll tell you what home is (or will be). It's coming home and being greeted with a big, warm hug by the most wonderful person in the world. When we move in together, it doesn't matter what we call "home", because I feel at home right beside you.

  2. That comment above me is so beautiful, and it's exactly what home feels like.

  3. Home is not a building
    But a place where you are loved
    Like a warm embrace around you
    Comfort you are dreaming of
